Tips to File for Divorce

Divorce can be a difficult process. You may have to deal with the emotional trauma of ending your marriage, dividing up assets and even dealing with children from an earlier relationship. We are here to help you through it all. In this blog post we will discuss everything about divorce including how to file for divorce when it is time to part ways with your spouse! If you want to know how to file for divorce in wisconsin you should read this entire article.

How To File For Divorce In Wisconsin

What is a divorce? A divorce is the legal process of ending your marriage. There are three types of divorces: uncontested, contested and default. An uncontested divorce is when both parties agree on all aspects of their separation, including division of property and mutual support agreements for children from an earlier relationship if applicable. In the event that you cannot reach a compromise with your spouse or they will not engage in any form of discussion at all then it may be better to seek out extra help by filing for a contested divorce where each party files opposing paperwork to start proceedings such as financial disclosure forms and other documents required before being granted an official court date. Finally there is the option known as a default which occurs when one party does not appear in the court due to any reason, including disinterest or inability to show up.

*Don’t forget that default divorces are the same as uncontested divorces because both parties don’t want a divorce and they have agreed on everything else.*

If you know your spouse has no interest in working out their differences before it reaches court then filing for a default will prevent them from being able to contest anything during proceedings. The only other thing left is an agreement of child custody which can be done at any time following the date granted by the judge unless one party decides not to sign off on these terms leading to additional documents needing filed again with updated information about what’s desired for caretakership arrangements.